Tips to Grow a Thriving Garden in the City

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Cities are known for their concrete, not their caterpillars. But the greenest cities are those with a flourishing natural environment. In order to foster that type of city and make urban living more sustainable, green spaces in cities must be creatively maintained. Many people think gardens cannot thrive in an urban setting, but with the right tips and tricks you can have a thriving garden in no time! Whether you have a small balcony or an entire rooftop, there are plenty of ways to cultivate your own little bit of nature. Here are some ideas to grow a thriving garden in the city:


Incorporate vertical space

One of the most important considerations when growing in an urban setting is how to maximize vertical space. Vertical gardening is the practice of growing plants vertically instead of horizontally. This is done both to save space and to take advantage of light. Vertical gardens are great for growing things like lettuce, herbs, tomatoes, and other vegetables that are typically planted below ground. They are also great for growing plants like strawberries and raspberries that do not do well below ground. The best thing about vertical gardening is that it can be done in almost any space. You can hang plants from the wall, the ceiling, or use a trellis to grow vines and other creeping plants on a fence or wall. If you have a tiny balcony and not much room to grow, vertical gardening is your best bet. It allows you to maximize the space you do have, while also getting more light on your plants.


Start small

Another key tip is to start small. If you try to grow too many things in a small space, it can lead to overcrowding and poor health. Instead, start with a few small plants and experiment with what does best in your area. Some good starter plants include lettuce, radishes, or Swiss chard. These plants are easy to grow and are great additions to salads. Once you have some experience and have started to figure out what works best in your specific area, you can expand your garden. If you have a limited amount of space, it can be stressful to try to grow a garden with plants that will take up a lot of room. Growing lettuce, for example, takes very little space and is easy to grow. It can be eaten both fresh and in salads. Another easy-to-grow option is herbs. Herbs are typically used in cooking, but they are also great for decoration in a small garden. Some herbs you can try to grow include sage, rosemary, mint, cilantro, parsley, and chives. Blue diamond garden centre


Don’t forget to rotate your crops

Rotating your crops is another important part of gardening, especially for city dwellers. What is rotating crops? It’s basically a way to plan your garden so you always have something growing. This ensures that there is always fresh produce available while keeping your plants healthy. Rotating your crops is especially important if you are growing in a small space. It allows you to have a continual supply of food without overloading the plants with fertilizer. Also, certain plants naturally repel pests. By rotating your crops, you can create an environment where everything is growing well while keeping pests away. If you don’t rotate your crops, you could end up with pests building up immunity to the pesticides you are using. This can lead to bigger problems, including the need to use stronger pesticides. Rotating crops can also help your soil to remain healthy.


Use the right tools

When gardening in a small space, it’s important to use the right tools for the job. That means avoiding overly large gardening tools. Rakes, for example, can be big and bulky. It might be better to use a small trowel for digging up soil. Hand pruners are another tool that can be too large for smaller spaces. Instead, use small pruners that can be used in tight spaces. While you don’t want to skimp on quality, it’s important to use the right size tool for the job in order to avoid injuring yourself. Even if you don’t have a lot of space to garden, you can still garden sustainably. That means avoiding pesticides and fertilizers that can harm the environment and nearby wildlife.


Grow your own food (even in small spaces)

While you don’t need a lot of space to grow a garden, you can still grow your own food. It is a great way to ensure that you always have healthy, organic food available. Growing your own food also helps you to better understand where your food comes from, as well as saves you money. There are a variety of plants that you can grow indoors, even if you have limited space. Tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce are all good options. Basil and mint are also great choices for small spaces. You don’t need a lot of space to grow your own food. It can be as simple as tucking a few plants in a small pot on your balcony or rooftop. Growing food is a great way to take advantage of the natural environment around you, as well as save money.



Gardening is a great way to connect with nature and to also save money on groceries. Whether you have a small balcony or an entire rooftop, there are plenty of ways to cultivate your own little bit of nature. From incorporating vertical space to starting small and rotating your crops, these tips and tricks will help you to grow a thriving garden in no time!

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September 13, 2022 |

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